School trip Barcelona

Best Treasure Hunt!
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Student price!
Only €24,50 PP
School trip Barcelona
Educational & fun

School trip Barcelona

Educational & fun

Planning a school trip to Barcelona with your students or school and are looking for a fun and education activity for your group? Don’t look any further; Our treasure hunt is full of exciting puzzles and original riddles. It is a combination of team building, fun, and history. Therefore it is the perfect combination to keep your students engaged.

Available routes

We have designed a special route for the students. The game is played without a phone or tablet so the students have time to disconnect and enjoy the game. We divide the group into smaller teams and the fastest team that solves all the puzzles and completes all the challenges wins the game! This gives an extra incentive to participate.

Chase the robber!
PRICE €35,00 PP
The Bankrobber route teambuilding with Xventura
Find the painting of Picasso
PRICE €35,00 PP
Discover El Born with Xventura Barcelona
School trip Barcelona with Xventura Treasure hunts
How to book!

It is very simple;

  1. Decide on the date and time.
  2. Choose the route you like.
  3. Place a booking online or request a qoute via email of phone.

For groups from 6 up to 30 students: THE ARTIST
For groups from 30 up to 120 students: THE BANKROBBER


Contact form

Send us your questions and we will get back to you!


